Issue 2 Contents

A New Regionalism  [Full article]
Time and Space, Steinbeck and Gardner, Adjuncts and Professors

Interview: When We Say We Know a Place
A conversation with Rebecca Solnit.
By Casey Mills

Essay: The South End of North  [Full article]
Exploring California’s timeless debate about where the border between north and south truly lies.
By Ryan Miller

Feature: The Central Valley Islands
Isolated Modesto communities allege racial discrimination by their government and organize to end it.
By Richard Mills
Photos by Sahara Marina Borja

Poetry: “On the Production of Distance”
By Jesse Nathan

Poetry: “Dinner Poem”
By Michael Clearwater

Environment: Ending the Water Wars
An upcoming bond proposes new dams and canals that would destroy pristine wilderness without guaranteeing more water.
By Steve Evans

The Arts: Raymond Carver’s California
A lauded author’s often-ignored connection to the region unlocks doors to understanding his writing.
By Paul Barrett

Memoir: Making Home from War
A Japanese American interred in California during World War II reflects on his life before, during, and after his imprisonment.
By Yoshito Wayne Osaki with Sally Noda Osaki

Fiction: “Help Wanted”  [Full article]
By Steve Koppman

Book Review: State of Collapse
Two new books examine the dysfunctional nature of state government—and propose ways to fix it.
By Robert Cruickshank

Notes from the Field
Our readers’ dispatches from the Eastern Sierras, Calistoga, and the Albany Bulb