Dear Readers and Subscribers:

California Northern is currently taking a hiatus from publication.

After three years and six issues that have been a joy to produce, our core editorial team (which, along with our section editors and copyeditors, is all-volunteer) decided that due to a medley of career changes, geographical moves, additions to our families, and more, we need some time off to recharge.

To everyone who contributed to our magazine, donated to it, advertised in it, read it, or in some other way supported it, we offer our sincere gratitude. We never dreamed our project would reach as many people as it did or end up involving so many fascinating, wonderful individuals.

If you’re a subscriber and would like a refund for your remaining issues, please contact us at

We hope to return with renewed vigor and focus down the road. Until then, we thank you!


Casey Mills, Richard Mills, and Paul Barrett